Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: System Diagram


Transmitting ECU (Transmitter)

Receiving ECU


Communication Method

4 wheel drive control ECU

Skid control ECU (Brake actuator assembly)

  • Rear differential lock status signal
  • High-Low actuator fail*
  • 4WD status signal*
  • L4 status signal*

CAN communication system

Skid control ECU (Brake actuator assembly)

4 wheel drive control ECU

  • Wheel speed sensor error signal
  • Wheel speed signal
  • Vehicle speed signal
  • Vehicle speed status flag

CAN communication system

4 wheel drive control ECU

Combination meter assembly

  • Rear differential lock indicator light signal
  • Buzzer signal

CAN communication system

  • *: for 4WD
PRECAUTION 1. IGNITION SWITCH EXPRESSION (a) The type of ignition switch used on this model differs depending on the specifications of the vehicle. The expressions listed in the table below are us ...

How To Proceed With Troubleshooting
CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: Use the following procedure listed to troubleshoot the differential system (w/ Differential Lock). *: Use the Techstream. PROCEDURE 1 ...

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VSC OFF Switch Circuit
DESCRIPTION The skid control ECU assembly is connected to the combination meter assembly via CAN communication. Pressing the VSC OFF switch turns off TRAC operation, and pressing and holding this switch turns off TRAC and VSC operation. If TRAC and VSC operations are turned off, the TRAC OFF ...

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