Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Headlight Assembly

INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL HAZARD WARNING SIGNAL SWITCH ASSEMBLY (AIR CONDITIONING CONTROL ASSEMBLY) (for Automatic Air Conditioning System) (a) Connect the connectors. (b) Engage the 8 c ...


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INSTALLATION CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT CAUTION: Some of these service operations affect the SRS airbag system. Read the precautionary notices concerning the SRS airbag system before servicing (See page ). If the side airbag was deployed, replace the front seat assembly with ...

Stop Light Control Relay Malfunction (C1380)
DESCRIPTION The skid control ECU (brake actuator assembly) inputs the stop light switch signal and detect the status of the brake operation. DTC No. Detection Item DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area C1380 Stop Light Contro ...

How To Proceed With Troubleshooting
CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: The ECM of this system is connected to the CAN communication system. Therefore, before starting troubleshooting, make sure to check that there is no trouble in the CAN and multiplex communication system. *: Use the Techstream. PROCEDURE ...

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