Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Diagnosis System



(a) The diagnosis function turns off the cruise control indicator, illuminates the master warning light and displays a warning message when a malfunction is detected. When a malfunction is detected in the dynamic radar cruise control system, DTCs are stored in the ECM or millimeter wave radar sensor assembly.


Cruise Control Indicator

(Constant Speed Control Mode)


Cruise Control Indicator

(Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control Mode)


Master Warning Light


  • If DTCs related to the communication system are stored, "Cruise Control Malfunction Visit Your Dealer", which is displayed in the combination meter assembly, disappears when the system returns to normal.
  • If DTCs not related to the communication system are stored, "Cruise Control Malfunction Visit Your Dealer", which is displayed in the combination meter assembly, disappears when the ignition switch off then back ON after the system returns to normal.


(a) The ECM and millimeter wave radar sensor assembly control the dynamic radar cruise control system of the vehicle. The data and DTCs relating to the dynamic radar cruise control system can be read from the DLC3 of the vehicle. Use the Techstream to check and solve the problem.


(a) Check the DLC3.



(a) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(b) Check that the cruise control indicator illuminates when the dynamic radar cruise control system is turned on using the cruise control main switch (ON-OFF button), and that the indicator turns off when the dynamic radar cruise control system is turned off using the cruise control main switch (ON-OFF button).


Cruise Control Indicator

(Constant Speed Control Mode)


Cruise Control Indicator

(Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control Mode)

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