Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Customize Parameters



1. CUSTOMIZE THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEM (w/ Wireless Door Lock System)


The following items can be customized.


  • When the customer requests a change in a function, first make sure that the function can be customized.
  • Be sure to make a note of the current settings before customizing.
  • When troubleshooting a function, first make sure that the function is set to the default setting.

(a) Customizing with the Techstream

(1) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(2) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(3) Turn the Techstream on.

(4) Enter the following menus: Customize Setting / Wireless Door Lock.

(5) Select the setting by referring to the table below.

Wireless Door Lock

Display (Item)




Panic Function*1


This function operates the theft deterrent system when the panic switch is pressed and held for 0.8 seconds.


  • *1: w/ PANIC Switch
PRECAUTION 1. IGNITION SWITCH EXPRESSIONS (a) The type of ignition switch used on this model differs according to the specifications of the vehicle. The expressions listed in the table below are u ...

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CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: Use this procedure to troubleshoot the theft deterrent system. *: Use the Techstream. PROCEDURE 1. VEHICLE BROUGHT TO WORKSHO ...

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