Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Condenser

INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. ADJUST COMPRESSOR OIL (a) for HFC-134a (R134a): (1) When replacing the compressor and magnetic clutch with new ones, after gradually discharging the refrigerant gas fro ...


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Lost Communication with HMI-LAN (B150A)
DESCRIPTION The combination meter assembly receives a text data signal from the navigation receiver assembly or radio and display receiver assembly via local bus communication. Based on this signal, navigation system information is displayed on the multi-information display. This DTC is store ...

INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL FRONT SEAT CUSHION HEATER ASSEMBLY (for Driver Side) (a) Set the front seat cushion heater assembly so that the name stamp side facing is on the front seat cushion pad side. (b) Install the front seat cushion heater assembly with 16 new tag pins. 2. INSTALL F ...

Transfer Shift Motor Control Circuit High (P17AA)
DESCRIPTION This DTC is output when a short to B+ in the transfer shift motor and A.D.D. shift motor drive circuit is detected. DTC No. Detection Item DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area P17AA Transfer Shift Motor Control C ...

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