Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Valve Body Assembly

INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL TRANSMISSION WIRE (a) Coat 2 new O-rings with ATF, and install them to the 2 temperature sensors. (b) Coat a new O-ring with ATF, and install it to the transmissi ...


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Problem Symptoms Table
PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE HINT: Use the table below to help determine the cause of problem symptoms. If multiple suspected areas are listed, the potential causes of the symptoms are listed in order of probability in the "Suspected Area" column of the table. Check each sy ...

Zero Point Calibration of Yaw Rate Sensor Undone (C1210,C1336)
DESCRIPTION The skid control ECU (master cylinder solenoid) receives signals from the yaw rate and acceleration (airbag sensor assembly) via the CAN communication system. The airbag sensor assembly has a built-in yaw rate and acceleration sensor and detects the vehicle's condition using 2 ...

While Alarm is Armed, Engine Hood is opened but Alarm does not Sound
DESCRIPTION A situation in which the alarm is armed but does not sound when the hood is opened can be caused when the main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU) cannot detect whether the hood courtesy switch is open or closed. If the alarm does not sound, there may be a malfunction in the hood ...

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