Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Terminals Of Ecu



Terminal No. (Symbols)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

N19-3 (ACC2) - N24-7 (GND1)*3

Y - W-B

Power source (ACC)

Ignition switch off

Below 1 V

Ignition switch ACC

11 to 14 V

N19-4 (+B2) - N24-7 (GND1)*3

R - W-B

Power source (+B)


11 to 14 V

N19-8 (GND2) - Body ground*3

B - Body ground



Below 1 V

N22-1 (UPO)


Power source



N22-2 (UDO-)


Data signal



N22-3 (UDO+)


Data signal



N22-4 (UESG)





N23-1 (RR+) - N24-7 (GND1)*5

L - W-B

Sound signal (Rear)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N23-2 (RL+) - N24-7 (GND1)*5

W - W-B

Sound signal (Rear)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N23-3 (RR-) - N24-7 (GND1)*5

LG - W-B

Sound signal (Rear)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N23-4 (SLD2) - N24-7 (GND1)*1

Shielded - W-B

Shield ground


Below 1 V

N23-5 (ILL-) - N24-7 (GND1)

BE - W-B

Illumination signal

Light control switch off

Below 1 V

Light control switch in tail or head position

Pulse generation

N23-6 (RL-) - N24-7 (GND1)*5

B - W-B

Sound signal (Rear)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N24-1 (FR+) - N24-7 (GND1)

R - W-B*1

LA-R - W-B*2

Sound signal (Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N24-2 (FL+) - N24-7 (GND1)

B - W-B*1

LA-B - W-B*2

Sound signal (Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N24-3 (ACC1) - N24-7 (GND1)

GR - W-B

Power source (ACC)

Ignition switch off

Below 1 V

Ignition switch ACC

11 to 14 V

N24-4 (+B1) - N24-7 (GND1)

W - W-B

Power source (+B)


11 to 14 V

N24-5 (FR-) - N24-7 (GND1)

G - W-B*1

LA-G - W-B*2

Sound signal (Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N24-6 (FL-) - N24-7 (GND1)

W - W-B*1

LA-W - W-B*2

Sound signal (Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N24-7 (GND1) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground



Below 1 V

N24-10 (ILL+) - N24-7 (GND1)

G - W-B

Illumination signal

Light control switch off

Below 1 V

Light control switch in tail or head position

11 to 14 V

N25-1 (IG) - N24-7 (GND1)

LG - W-B

Power source (IG)

Ignition switch off

Below 1 V

Ignition switch ON

11 to 14 V

N25-2 (REV) - N24-7 (GND1)

GR - W-B

Reverse signal

See "Vehicle Signal Check Mode" in Operation Check (See page )


N25-4 (MACC) - N24-7 (GND1)

R - W-B

Microphone power supply

Ignition switch off

Below 1 V

Ignition switch ACC

4 to 6 V

N25-5 (MIN+) - N24-7 (GND1)

G - W-B

Microphone voice signal

See "Microphone Level Test" in Operation Check (See page )


N25-6 (SNS2) - N24-7 (GND1)

W - W-B

Microphone connection detection signal


Below 1 V

N25-7 (TX1+)*1


AVC-LAN communication signal



N25-8 (TX1-)*1


AVC-LAN communication signal



N25-11 (AGND) - N24-7 (GND1)

Shielded - W-B

Shield ground


Below 1 V

N25-15 (PKB) - N24-7 (GND1)

Y - W-B

Parking brake signal

See "Vehicle Signal Check Mode" in Operation Check (See page )


N25-16 (MUT1) - N24-7 (GND1)*1

SB - W-B

Mute signal

Audio system playing

Above 3.5 V

Audio system changing modes

Below 1 V

N25-17 (SPD) - N24-7 (GND1)

V - W-B

Vehicle speed signal

See "Vehicle Signal Check Mode" in Operation Check (See page )


N25-18 (SGND) - N24-7 (GND1)

Shielded - W-B

Shield ground


Below 1 V

N25-19 (MIN-) - N24-7 (GND1)

B - W-B

Microphone voice signal

See "Microphone Level Test" in Operation Check (See page )


N25-21 (SW1) - N25-23 (SWG)

V - SB

Steering pad switch signal

No switch pushed

2.97 to 3.56 V

Up switch pushed

0.27 to 0.35 V

Down switch pushed

0.86 to 1.03 V

Volume+ switch pushed

1.51 to 1.79 V

Volume- switch pushed

2.22 to 2.66 V

N25-22 (SW2) - N25-23 (SWG)

Y - SB

Steering pad switch signal

No switch pushed

2.97 to 3.56 V

MODE/HOLD switch pushed

0.27 to 0.35 V

On hook switch pushed

0.86 to 1.03 V

Off hook switch pushed

1.51 to 1.79 V

Voice switch pushed

2.22 to 2.66 V

N25-23 (SWG) - N24-7 (GND1)

SB - W-B

Steering pad switch ground


Below 1 V

N25-25 (ADPG) - N24-7 (GND1)

W-B - W-B

External device connection detection signal

External device connected

Below 1 V

N25-26 (VAR+) - N24-7 (GND1)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Right)

External device playing (When stereo jack used)

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N25-27 (VA-) - N24-7 (GND1)

R - W-B



Below 1 V

N25-28 (VAL+) - N24-7 (GND1)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Left)

External device playing (When stereo jack used)

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

N26-3 (CNH1)


Local bus communication signal



N26-4 (CNL1)


Local bus communication signal



N26-11 (CA+) - N24-7 (GND1)*4

B - W-B

Power source

Ignition switch ACC

5.5 to 7.05 V

N26-12 (V+) - N26-24 (V-)*4

R - W

Display signal

Ignition switch ON, shift lever in R

Pulse generation (See waveform 1)

Ignition switch ON, shift lever in R, screen blacked out by covering camera lens

Pulse generation (See waveform 2)

N26-23 (CGND) - N24-7 (GND1)*4

Shielded - W-B

Shield ground


Below 1 V

N27-1 (USV4)*3


Power source



N27-2 (US4-)*3


Data signal



N27-3 (US4+)*3


Data signal



N27-4 (UGO4)*3





N27-5 (USG4)*3


Shield ground



N28-1 (LVDS) - N24-7 (GND1)*3

B - W-B

LVDS communication signal



RA-5 (ANT+) - N24-7 (GND1)

- - W-B

Power source of antenna

Ignition switch ACC Radio switch on and FM or AM selected

11 to 14 V

  • *1: w/ Stereo Component Amplifier
  • *2: w/o Stereo Component Amplifier
  • *3: w/ SDARS System
  • *4: w/ Rear Television Camera
  • *5: for 6 Speakers

(a) Using an oscilloscope, check the waveform.

(1) Waveform 1

(1) Waveform 1

Measurement Condition



Terminal No. (Symbol)

N26-12 (V+) - N26-24 (V-)

Tool Setting

0.2 V/DIV., 50 μs./DIV.


Ignition switch ON, shift lever in R


The video waveform changes according to the image sent by the television camera assembly.

(2) Waveform 2

Measurement Condition



Terminal No. (Symbol)

N26-12 (V+) - N26-24 (V-)

Tool Setting

0.2 V/DIV., 50 μs./DIV.


Ignition switch ON, shift lever in R, screen blacked out by covering camera lens


The video waveform changes according to the image sent by the television camera assembly.

Text in Illustration


Waveform 1


Waveform 2


Synchronized Signal


Video Waveform


Terminal No. (Symbols)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

S52-3 (ACC2) - S52-8 (GND2)

Y - B

Power source (ACC)

Ignition switch off

Below 1 V

Ignition switch ACC

11 to 14 V

S52-4 (+B2) - S52-8 (GND2)

R - B

Power source (+B)


11 to 14 V

S52-8 (GND2) - Body ground

B - Body ground



Below 1 V

S53-1 (USV4)


Power source



S53-2 (US4-)


Data signal



S53-3 (US4+)


Data signal



S53-4 (UGO4)





S53-5 (USG4)


Shield ground



S54-1 (LVDS)


LVDS communication signal



3. STEREO COMPONENT AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (w/ Stereo Component Amplifier)

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

S23-1 (MUTE) - S24-6 (GND)

SB - W-B

Mute signal

Audio system is playing

Above 3.5 V

Audio system is changing mode

Below 1 V

S23-2 (L-) - S24-6 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S23-3 (L+) - S24-6 (GND)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S23-4 (R-) - S24-6 (GND)

G - W-B

Sound signal (Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S23-5 (R+) - S24-6 (GND)

R - W-B

Sound signal (Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S23-6 (SGND) - Body ground

Shielded - Body ground

Shield ground


Below 1 V

S23-7 (TX-)


AVC-LAN communication signal



S23-8 (TX+)


AVC-LAN communication signal



S23-11 (SPD) - S24-6 (GND)

V - W-B

Vehicle speed signal

Ignition switch ON, drive wheels turned slowly

Pulse generation

S23-12 (ACC) - S24-6 (GND)

GR - W-B

Power source (ACC)

Ignition switch off

Below 1 V

Ignition switch ACC

11 to 14 V

S23-22 (INT-) - S24-6 (GND)

B - W-B

Voice signal

Voice guidance sounding

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S23-23 (INT+) - S24-6 (GND)

W - W-B

Voice signal

Voice guidance sounding

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-1 (FL-) - S24-6 (GND)

LG - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-2 (FL+) - S24-6 (GND)

G - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-3 (FR-) - S24-6 (GND)

L - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-4 (WFR+) - S24-6 (GND)

LA-B - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-5 (WFL+) - S24-6 (GND)

LA-G - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-6 (GND) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground



Below 1 V

S24-7 (E) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground



Below 1 V

S24-9 (FR+) - S24-6 (GND)

GR - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-10 (WFR-) - S24-6 (GND)

LA-R - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S24-12 (WFL-) - S24-6 (GND)

LA-Y - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-1 (+B) - S24-6 (GND)

W - W-B

Power source (+B)


11 to 14 V

S31-2 (TWR+) - S24-6 (GND)

P - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-3 (RL+) - S24-6 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-4 (RR-) - S24-6 (GND)


Sound signal (Rear Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-5 (+B2) - S24-6 (GND)

SB - W-B

Power source (+B)


11 to 14 V

S31-6 (TWR-) - S24-6 (GND)

V - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-7 (TWL-) - S24-6 (GND)

R - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-8 (TWL+) - S24-6 (GND)

Y - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-9 (RL-) - S24-6 (GND)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Left)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

S31-10 (RR+) - S24-6 (GND)

LA-L - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Right)

Audio system is playing

A waveform synchronized with sounds is output

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