(a) Whenever a forward recognition camera system DTC is stored, the forward recognition camera stores the current vehicle state (ECU and sensor information) as Freeze Frame Data.
(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.
(c) Turn the Techstream on.
(d) Enter the following menus: Chassis / Front Recognition Camera / Trouble Codes.
(e) According to the display on the Techstream, select a DTC with freeze frame data.
(f) Read the freeze frame data recorded when the DTC was stored.
Tester Display |
Measurement Item |
Range |
Normal Condition |
Diagnostic Note |
Blockage Status |
Camera obstruction malfunction status |
ON or OFF |
ON: Forward recognition camera obstructed OFF: Forward recognition camera not obstructed |
- |
Blockage History |
Camera obstruction history status |
ON or OFF |
ON: Forward recognition camera obstruction history exists OFF: Forward recognition camera obstruction history does not exist |
- |
Low Temperature Status |
Low temperature malfunction status |
ON or OFF |
ON: Forward recognition camera low temperature malfunction exists OFF: Forward recognition camera low temperature malfunction does not exist |
- |
Low Temperature History |
Low temperature history status |
ON or OFF |
ON: Forward recognition camera low temperature history exists OFF: Forward recognition camera low temperature history does not exist |
- |
High Temperature Status1 |
High temperature malfunction status |
ON or OFF |
ON: Forward recognition camera high temperature malfunction exists OFF: Forward recognition camera high temperature malfunction does not exist |
- |
High Temperature History1 |
High temperature history status |
ON or OFF |
ON: Forward recognition camera high temperature history exists OFF: Forward recognition camera high temperature history does not exist |
- |
High Temperature Status2 |
- |
- |
- |
This item is displayed on the Techstream but is not used. |
High Temperature History2 |
- |
- |
- |
This item is displayed on the Techstream but is not used. |
Backlight Status |
Backlight Status |
Driving Backlight or OFF |
Driving Backlight: Driving towards the sun OFF: Not driving towards the sun |
- |
Vehicle Information (2WD/4WD) |
Vehicle information (drivetrain) stored in forward recognition camera |
2WD, 4WD or Unknown |
2WD: for 2WD 4WD: for 4WD Unknown: Vehicle information not confirmed |
- |
Vehicle Information (Conv/HV) |
Vehicle information (conventional/hybrid) stored in forward recognition camera |
Conv, HV or Unknown |
Conv: Conventional HV: Hybrid vehicle Unknown: Vehicle information not confirmed |
- |
Cruise Control Input Processor (P160700)
The ECM continuously monitors its main and sub CPUs. This self-check ensures
that the ECM is functioning properly. If outputs from the CPUs are different and
deviate from the standard, the ECM will illuminate the MIL and store the DTC.
Detection Item
Some of these service operations affect the SRS airbag system. Read the precautionary
notices concerning the SRS airbag system before servicing (See page
Use the same procedure for both the RH and LH sides.
The procedure describe ...
Short to GND in Outer Mirror Indicator(Slave) (C1AB3)
This DTC is stored when the blind spot monitor sensor RH detects a ground short
in the blind spot monitor indicator RH.
DTC Code
DTC Detection Condition
Trouble Area
With the blind spot monitor main switch assembly (w ...