Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart



If a trouble code is output during the DTC check, inspect the trouble areas listed for that code. For details of the code, refer to "See page" in the DTC chart.

Wireless Door Lock Control System

DTC Code

Detection Item

See page


Wireless Door Lock Tuner Circuit Malfunction

Data List / Active Test
DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST 1. DATA LIST HINT: Using the Techstream to read the Data List allows the values or states of switches, sensors, actuators and other items to be read without removing any p ...

Wireless Door Lock Tuner Circuit Malfunction (B1242)
DESCRIPTION The door control receiver is used to receive radio waves relating to the entry functions of the electrical key transmitter sub-assembly. The certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly) ...

Other materials:

Lock Switch Circuit
WIRING DIAGRAM PROCEDURE 1. CHECK REAR DIFFERENTIAL LOCK INDICATOR LIGHT (a) Turn the ignition switch to ON. (b) for 4WD: Finish switching to L4. (c) Check the rear differential lock indicator light. (d) Press the differential lock switch. (e) After 60 secon ...

Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart
DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART Dynamic Radar Cruise Control System DTC No. Detection Item Link C1A02 Vehicle Information Not Obtained C1A0A Front Radar Sensor Region Code Mismatch ...

REMOVAL PROCEDURE 1. PRECAUTION NOTICE: After turning the ignition switch off, waiting time may be required before disconnecting the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal. Therefore, make sure to read the disconnecting the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal notices before p ...

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