Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Diagnosis System



(a) Smart key system (for entry function) data and Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) can be read through the vehicle Data Link Connector 3 (DLC3). In some cases, a malfunction may be occurring in the smart key system. When the system seems to be malfunctioning, use the Techstream to check for malfunctions and perform repairs.


(a) Check the DLC3 (See page 3. INSPECT BATTERY VOLTAGE ).


(a) Measure the vehicle battery voltage.

Standard Voltage:

11 to 14 V

If the voltage is below 11 V, recharge or replace the vehicle battery.

Problem Symptoms Table
PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE HINT: If a problem occurs in certain locations or at certain times of day, check for the possibility of wave interference. When the electrical key transmitter ...

Terminals Of Ecu
TERMINALS OF ECU 1. CHECK CERTIFICATION ECU (SMART KEY ECU ASSEMBLY) (a) Disconnect the C27 and C29 certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly) connectors. (b) Measure the voltage and resistance a ...

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