Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Components





Cylinder Head

PRECAUTION HINT: Any digits beyond the 0.01 mm (1/1000 in.) place for standard, minimum and maximum values should be used as a reference only. When both standard and maximum or minim ...

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Engine does not Start but Initial Combustion Occurs
DESCRIPTION If the key ID codes of the key and transponder key ECU assembly match, the engine immobiliser system is unset and the engine start permission signal is sent to the ECM. When the ID codes of the transponder key ECU assembly and ECM match, the engine starts. WIRING DIAGRAM CAUTI ...

CALIBRATION 1. DESCRIPTION (a) After replacing the VSC relevant components or performing "Front wheel alignment adjustment", clearing and reading the sensor calibration data are necessary. (b) Follow the chart to perform calibration. Replacing Parts Necessary Op ...

ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 1. PREPARE VEHICLE FOR FOG LIGHT AIMING ADJUSTMENT (a) Prepare the vehicle: HINT: Ensure that there is no damage or deformation to the body around the fog lights. Fill the fuel tank. Make sure that the oil is filled to the specified level. Make sure ...

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