Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Components





Counter Gear

DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT COUNTERSHAFT REVERSE GEAR THRUST CLEARANCE (a) Using a dial indicator, measure the countershaft reverse gear thrust clearance. Standard clearance: ...

Other materials:

Data List / Active Test
DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST 1. DATA LIST NOTICE: In the table below, the values listed under "Normal Condition" are reference values. Do not depend solely on these reference values when deciding whether a part is faulty or not. HINT: Using the Techstream to read the Data List allows t ...

Cautions & Notices
CAUTION This is a warning against anything which may cause injury to people if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to reduce the risk of injury to yourself and others. NOTICE This is a warning against anything which may cause damage to the vehi ...

Under Hood
General Maintenance GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 1. GENERAL NOTES Maintenance items may vary from country to country. Check the owner's manual supplement in which the maintenance schedule is shown. Every service item in the periodic maintenance schedule must be performed. ...

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